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Monday, January 10, 2011

snow snow snow

Hey ya'll sorry I have been absent for a few weeks now between the holidays, preparing for our new addition and trying to maintain my sanity I have been swamped. Every feel like that crazy lady pulling her hair out? well thats been me lately, but I am a firm believer that for every moment of insanity theres a clear moment of sanity and its finally come back around and I am back :)  I have several tutorials I am excited to share with yall over the next 2 months for Easter and Valentines Day!

Todays post says it all we literally in the state of tn have been declared to be in a state of emergency over a little "fluffy stuff" as my hubby calls it. We had snow all last night and ended up getting a whopping 7 inches thats huge news for us, literally hasnt happened in like 10- 12 years. So last night I stuck my big bowl outside as the hubby watched me like I was crazy, I just calmly smiled at him and went to bed. This morning I brought the full bowl of clean fresh snow inside and we made snow cream! The kids loved it and I even convinced my northern hubby it really was safe to eat, can ya'll believe he had never had it that poor deprived man lol. Now I am going to curl up with a good book hot chocolate and my hubby hope ya'll are all doing well and winters not getting the best of you!


  1. I love this idea and such fun memories for your children!

  2. Its definitely fun for them to make I always remember as a little girl waiting on that 2nd or 3rd snow so we could make some of this lol some years it never came and I got totally disappointed the kids want to make more today :) Must have been a good time for them as well
